Thursday, May 22, 2014

So close!

We had a great skype call with the orphanage on Monday and they are meeting tonight to further discuss our case. We want God's timing, but our desire is to have the adoption move quickly!  Prayers for grants that we have applied for the tricky timing of those would be appreciated, too.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


We got a video of our special guy this week.  He looks perfect to me!  I can't share the video, but I should have taken a picture of the look on Jeff's face last night as he watched it again-priceless.  Matthew has us taking "Family Spanish Lessons" now.  I tried to include them in my lessons without much success.  But, now that Marlana is home and Matthew has the desire, we are really learning some serious Espanol! Well, actually it's fun Espanol--children's words and conversational phrases.  Just waiting for our immigration approval and our official acceptance and referral from Colombia.  Still praying we can travel this summer.